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{Tips} 8 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Your Diet


8 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Your Diet

There can be a lot of confusion on where to start when wanting to clean up or Improve your diet. And while we need to look at bioindividuality (one-size-doesn’t-fit-all), there are few simple things we can all do right now to improve our diet.



1. Increase your Fiber intake

High-fiber foods are one of the best ways to clean up your digestion, help you lose weight and prevent heart disease – so fill up on fiber rich foods! Foods high in fiber include beans, whole grains, avocado, broccoli, nuts, apples and pears. Try the Green Pear Fiber Smoothie Recipe or Easy Black Bean Soup.

2. Eat Nutrient-Dense foods rich in Micronutrients

Nutrient-dense simply means it has a high amount of nutrition with very low calories. Micronutrients are what are commonly referred to as “vitamins and minerals.” Included are such minerals as selenium, sodium, iodine, copper and zinc. They also include vitamin C, A, D, E and K, as well as the B-complex vitamins. You’ll find most nutrient-rich foods around the perimeter (outer circle) of the grocery store. Fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, lean meats and fish and low-fat milk products are excellent choices. I also supplement my not-so-perfect-all-the-time diet to be sure I get what I need in the micronutrients.

3. Increase consumption of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3’s are essential building blocks for the foundation of our cellular health. Our cells are at the root of all our bodily functions, communications and health. Omega 3s can help our hair, skin and nails flourish too. Flaxseeds & flaxseed oil, wild caught salmon, and chia seeds are great providers of EFA’s. Fish oil supplements are also a great way to get more too. Add a tablespoon to your smoothies or enjoy simple blueberry chia seed jam on whole grain toast.

4. Reduce foods high in Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Omega 6 fatty acids are a class of polyunsaturated fats and modern diets today are eating them in access of what’s needed and it throws off the balance of omega 3’s we really need. Decrease vegetable, wheat germ, corn & canola oils, mayonnaise, margerine and french salad dressings is a great start.

5. Eliminate Synthetic Fat – a.k.a. Trans Fat

Your body can’t metabolize synthetic trans fat as energy. Trans fats have no nutritional value what-so-ever. Microwave popcorn, cookies, and other highly processed snack foods are common places you’ll find trans-fat (also known as partially hydrogenated oils).

6 Avoid drinking your calories

Alcohol is high in unnecessary calories, bad for your heart, brain, pancreas, liver and can weaken your immune system. Enjoy alcohol, in moderation, with a glass of red wine or better yet, a truly delicious green juice with gin cocktail– I recently had this at Zest restaruant in Salt Lake City and fell in love with the taste and how good I felt drinking it! If you do have a drink, have an 8 oz glass of water with it to help stay hydrated and alert.

7. Significantly reduce Added Sugar

This goes without needing to say much. It’s pretty simple to start cutting down on sugar. Sugar is added to foods that don’t even taste all that sweet, like breads, condiments, and sauces. Make your own salad dressings, reduce eating breads and bagels, and eliminate soda’s even the low-calorie ones. Addicted to sugar? This can help.

8. Increase the volume of Fresh, Whole Foods on your plate

For all the obvious reasons, filling your plate with 1/2 veggies & fruits and eliminating red meat is the biggest bang you can get for your diet. You will be feeding your body with delicious goodness and you will feel it with more energy, brighter skin, healthier hair, less bloating, better digestion and just an overall general enhancement of your mood and happiness. Can’t bet better that this.


Choose one of these 8 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Diet to get started with today. They are pretty simple and you can add another then another – soon you’ll have a healthier strut to your walk and an overflow of feel-good energy.


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Cindy Nunnery

Email: cindy@cindynunnery.com
Facebook: poweredbynutrition
Twitter: @cindynunnery

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