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Digestive Health Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Here are 10 Tips to a Healthy Gut


digestive health healthy gut


Most Americans agree that digestive health, aka a healthy gut, is important to their health and wellbeing and there are so many ways to improve digestive health and our digestion it’s confusing.

For many of you, digestive discomfort has become a part of life. If you suffer from gas, bloating, upset stomach, constipation or heartburn, you’re reading the perfect blog post right now.

Here a 10 digestive health recommendations to help get you & your digestion get on the fast track toward a healthy and happy lifestyle (and belly)!

10 Tips to Support Digestive Health and a Healthy Gut

1 | Chew your food

Saliva moistens food particles and provides enzymes to start the process of starch and fat digestion. Chewing also signals the production of stomach acid and sets the pancreas and other support organs in motion to prepare to secrete enzymes into the small intestine.

2 | Drink Lots of water daily

There’s almost nothing better for your overall health and digestive system than drinking water. Drinking too little water slows down your system and that can make it significantly harder bowel movements (makes poop difficult to pass). Drink plenty of water (1/2 your body weight in ounces) and other fluids everyday, especially after exercise (drink 30 minutes before and after a meal (not so much during a meal).

3 | Get your body moving

Physical activity speeds up digestion, increases blood flow to all your organs, and stimulates muscles in the GI tract, helping your body’s organs work more efficiently.

4 | Eat More Fiber

Fiber keeps everything ‘moving smoothly’. It slows down digestion and absorption so the glucose in food enters your bloodstream more slowly, keeping your blood sugar at a more even level. Fiber helps you to eliminate poop more quickly and without it, you can get the gas, backup, and discomfort of constipation (and you know how that feels).

5 | Minimize Use of Antacids

An adequate amount of stomach acid is required to break down proteins. A decrease in stomach acid production can become more common as we age, and a variety of diseases and certain medications may also inhibit sufficient stomach acid production, including the overuse of antacids. Use antacids as directed and only when needed.

6 | Take a Probiotic

Probiotics are live microorganisms, aka good bacteria, similar to those in our gut. These “good bacteria” are necessary for a healthy gastrointestinal tract. They are champions at regulating the amount of healthy bacteria in your system and helping make bowel movements normal. Take a probiotic supplement for two weeks and see if you notice a difference!

7 | Knock-Out Food Discomfort With Digestive Enzymes

From bloated belly to ‘heartburn’, digestive enzymes can make a big difference. The Digestive Enzyme I use & recommend contains seven different enzymes, which help break down and absorb the nutrients from foods we eat including dairy, protein,fats and carbohydrates. It can also help alleviate the feeling of over-fullness after a large meal. The artichoke extract can provide even more relief for occasional upset stomach or bloating caused by indigestion.

8 | Eliminate Foods You’re Allergic or Sensitive To

Allergens can cause an immune response that triggers inflammation in the intestinal tract, which may interrupt the digestive process. Getting rid of these foods will help maintain a healthy environment in your GI tract.

9 | Manage Stress Effectively

Research has shown that the intestines respond negatively to stress, which may impact the digestive process. Regular exercise and eating meals at regular times in a relaxed environment may help decrease stress levels as does regular self-care.

10 | Cut the Sugar

A lot of research shows that eating too much sugar has a bad effect on the body (of course you know this already). Even eating too many natural sweets such as fruit and honey can have a damaging effect on digestion if you struggle with too much internal yeast or Candida overgrowth. Eat fruit on an empty stomach -if the fruit or other natural sugars like honey, have to wait to be digested (because there is other food still breaking down), they’ll begin to ferment that can cause uncomfortable gut symptoms. Aim to consume about ½ the sugar you were eating previously. 

Understanding causes of digestive issues, how to reduce symptoms, and supplementing with a comprehensive digestive enzyme product as appropriate, will help most people enjoy a happy and vibrant life.

To your health,


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