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Almost 60


I’m 6 months from turning 60 and it’s causing me to reflect – a lot.  As I look at where I’m at today, I’m also looking at where I’m heading to – where many in this age-stage are looking at the end, I’m looking at beginning.  

Where I need to start is my reflection in the mirror. 

When I look at myself today, versus me in my thirties, I see… well, the same me, yet a different me.  My thirties were about confidence and control. My fifties were about confidence and acceptance.  And in between, my forties, I lost some confidence and added meaning… not really having meaning but searching for meaning. And all of this wrapped around how I look and feel.

I’m sharing this with all of you, in whatever age-stage you are in, in hope it may help. 

As I get ready to move into my sixties, I know it is all about confidence and expression with acceptance – and this is big. I’m not letting go of acceptance, it is still a big focus daily with me. My biggest focus in my 60’s will be authentic expression- in order to express authentically, you must be in acceptance first. 

I was hard on myself, and many days today I still am. I self-sabotage. And then work hard to accept…. by looking at what I want to be expressing – self-love, empowerment, inspiration – so I can move into that. I have to be gracious with myself, all the time (somedays still harder than others to do that) and move forward with my future and my dreams guiding me. 

I was never the pretty girl. I stood out with my orange-red hair. I desperately tried to ‘fit in’, to hid amongst other people, never being able to, because you can’t hide a redhead. I went blond, I went brown, and now I highlight and accentuate the red, not wanting the whites and grays to take over what I became comfortable with not that long ago. BTW, it’s ok to love going white or gray just as it’s ok for me to want to continue to embrace my red (see that acceptance in action). What makes you express you – you do that – 100% – I’m with, beside you and nudging you to be you! 

I am no longer an imposter in my body, no longer the ugly one, the shy one, the controlling one, the independent one, the redhead, the ________…. I’m just me, in all my aging glory. 

And I want you to be you, in all your glory whatever your age and wherever in acceptance you are with yourself.

You are you and the most wonderful you there is! 

As I do frequently, let’s sing and dance, out loud for all the world to see or just those who are with us in that moment.

You got this, beautiful friend – you got this!

PS: Here are a few of my favorite products for aging confidently and healthy.

Celavive High Performance Skincare
Supplements For Your Health
Smoothies, because I love them.

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