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9 Great Reasons to Drink Water


9 Great Reasons to Drink Water

1. Weight Loss. Water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar. It is the best!

2. Heart Healthy. Lowers your risks of heart attache by 41%. Don’t stress your body, drink your water so it isn’t stressed.

3. Energy. Being Dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired. Start your morning with a big glass of room temperature spring water immediately upon waking. You will hydrate your body and give it an energy boost.

4. Headaches. Many headaches are simply a matter of not drinking enough water. Before popping an aspirin, drink 8-10 oz of spring water.

5. Healthy Skin. Clears you skin and gives it a healthy glow. Water is held in the skin and without it the firmness and plumpness of your facial skin cells are gone and you can look tired and aged.

6. Better excerice. Being dehydrated can severly hamper your athletics activities. Your body needs to recover after strenuous and without proper fluids, recovery can be greatly minimized thus leaving your body in an unhealthy state.

7. Digestive Problems. Water can help cure stomach acid problems. (Tip: Only drink 3-4 oz with a meal to avoid disrupting digestion of meal. Drink 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after.)

8. Cancer Risk. Reduce risk of colon cancer by 45% & bladder cancer by 50%.

9. Cleansing. Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste. Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces everyday. 

Water Drinking Tips:

~ Drink first glass within 15-20 minuters of waking and before any other morning beverage like coffee or tea.I like water at room temperature so I have a glass on the counter waiting for me in the morning. I drink it before I do anything else.

~ Spread out drinking your daily water – drink a glass between meal and snack in midmorning and mid afternoon. Don’t try and drink it all at once, you will just feel like you’re floating.

~ Limit water with meals to 3-4 oz. Drinking more during meals will interfere with digestion and that can affect weight, vitamin and mineral absorption and more.

~ Drink a glass 30 minutes prior to a meal. It will hydrate you and can have you eating less because sometimes hunger is really your body’s need for water.

~ Add fresh lemon or lime juice to powerup the water and give it a burst.

Take the 14-Day Drink Water Challenge

Download the Drink Water Chart below, hang on your refigerator. Cross off every glass you drink for 14 days. Take notice of the difference in your skin, your energy and your digestion. Keep hanging a fresh chart every two weeks to keep yourself and your family on track.


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